Left hand drive

Left hand drive or “how to paint nails with your non dominant hand”

Firstly, I love both my hands the same, however, like 85-90% of humans, my left hand has a tendency to betray me. In particular, when it comes to following directions my brain gives it.

Whats more, it has been said that I have the patience of a Saint. On the contrary, it seems this does not apply to painting the nails on my right hand.

Importantly, when you are a Nail Technician having beautiful nails is the best way to advertise your skills. Known to have very short nails with no polish. In other words, downplaying the fact my nails were unkept. I think that my lack of confidence with my left hand painting did deter me. Ultimately, I am a perfectionist, and would not want to feel embarrassed if my right hand did not look up to scratch. Especially since it is my dominant hand.

Booking a weekly manicure to almost binge practice was the plan. To secure the trust that my manicure skills with my right hand / for clients is top tier please check out the photo gallery for proof.

Non dominant hand practice

Unsurprisingly, the 1st few manicures went to plan… When painting with my right hand! Once moving onto the left hand drive, strangely enough, my main issue was not to go over the side walls. Importantly, I was able to paint in straight lines. But, when near the cuticle area I struggled to keep a strong steady hand. This is the only way to get that perfect curve at the base. What I struggled with the most was flooding of the cuticle area when stroking to the left.

Eventually, after weeks of trying to limit my shortcomings, I had enough weekly practice to produce 3 out of the 5 nails to my standard. My thumb had a left hand side cuticle flood and middle finger had a right hand side cuticle flood.

non dominant hand

Step by Step

How to paint nails with your non dominant hand.

  • Use a solid flat surface
  • Cap the free edge first – just along the edge of the nail to stop chipping
  • Keep hand firmly pressed onto the flat surface – to ensure only movement comes from your fingers making brush strokes
  • Keep fingers holding brush secure but joints loose – this enable a more controlled brush stroke
  • Place brush down onto the nail before the cuticle area
  • Push the polish from the brush back to the cuticle line and then stroke forward – this stops the liquid flooding the area
  • Repeat this until there is colour on all the nail – depending on the brush and or nail shape this could be 1, 2 or 3 stokes
  • Do not drag over colour already laid down
  • Repeat this for each layer – always base 1st, 2 colour coats and top coat last.

Lastly, after these manicures and the progress my left hand has made, one thing is apparent. Practice does always make perfect!

Happy nail painting.